Victory in Coventry

Victory in Coventry

CML/Team Associated driver Alex Mortimer wins the Coventry Winter Series in style after a string of impressive race performances.

Alex used his RB/Byron powered RC8B to take a fantastic winter series victory, despite facing sporadic appearances from the UK's top drivers. Neil Cragg, Craig Drescher and Graham Alsop all made appearances throughout the series and Alex managed to give them all a good run for their money, and beat them on occasion. Alex's overall consistency was good enough to see him to the championship win in front of another RB/Byron man Matthew Lewis. In the Truggy series it was yet another RB/Byron powered driver who took the spoils. Young Piers Pearson again withstood the challenge of his competitors to seal a good series victory. Congratulations to all the drivers on their excellent results. Also thanks to Coventry Model Car Club for an excellent series.
