The Magic 1-2!

The Magic 1-2!

Stephen Brown TQ`s & Wins with the G4RS at the Aldershot BRCA Rubber National with Stephen Lander finishing a close 2nd

Stephen Brown joined team mate Stephen Lander at the latest rubber national at Aldershot to see what all the commotion was about. With Steve Lander winning the first two rounds at Halifax and Cotswolds, and setting two track records this year in the process, the results show he is currently on good form. This was going to be a challenge for Stephen Brown to compete with his team mate and come away with the win. A challenge Steve Brown showed he was up to. Saturday was a good day with some really impressive times put in during practice. Steve Lander on 13.2, Stephen Brown, 13.3 and John Zottl also with a 13.2. The G4RS and G4+ both showing their racy character on this demanding and technical track. Top qualifier on Sunday could have been any one of these three drivers. Steve Lander's G4+ with RB R? Engine. There were 4 rounds of qualifying and the results after round 2 saw Stephen Lander on TQ. The last 2 rounds would be close between both Stephens as their pace had been similar all day. The third round saw a change in the top spot with Brown on provisional pole after a small mistake from Lander. The final round saw a change in pace from both drivers, both taking on the challenge to take the top spot, and both going over 9 seconds quicker in the final round with Brown pipping top spot by 2 seconds. Both G4s and drivers setting a blistering pace in the final qualifying round, the A-final was sure going to be a great race! Qualifying Final Standings 1st Stephen Brown 21, 310 seconds 2nd Stephen Lander 21, 312 seconds 3rd John Zottl 20, 309 Seconds With Stephen Lander?s experience with 30 minute finals on rubber tires, some would have said that Steve Brown would have his work cut out to beat Steve Lander. All cars lined up for an interesting battle with the two G4 drivers but as the buzzer went they soon put the rest of the field at bay with some great driving from the start, both drivers settling in to a blistering pace very early on. In the first few laps a fast starting Ashley Bond showed his intent by applying pressure on Steve Lander but Steve's nerve held and he started to pull a slight gap and set about trying to catch the leader. Steve Brown had made a great start and pulled a good lead from the chasing pack but as Steve Lander broke free from Ashley, Steve Brown comfortably upped his pace a little to hold the gap at around the 4 second mark. Both drivers now showed they had great horse power (Steve Brown with Novarossi and Steve Lander with the new RB R3) and were in a league of their own. Steve Browns consistency helped him to pull out a lead of nearly a lap. However, Steve Lander had one last trick up his sleeve by cutting out a fuel stop and doing 7 1/2 mins fuels stop strategy. Steve Brown the had a cut in the pits costing him a few seconds and with only a 6 min re-fuelling strategy the cars closed up to within 3 seconds approaching half race distance. Ultimately though Steve Brown showed he had the best and most consistent pace in the final as he went on to take the win by just over 1 lap, Bringing both cars home in 1st and 2nd and 5 laps up on 3rd. The two Steve's had showed how well they have gelled as new team mates with excellent team work. Not forgetting an excellent fourth place result from local driver Ashley Bond. It was a good day for Steve and Steve. Credit has to also go to the G4RS and G4+ both showing true speed and proving how good both cars can be on varying circuits. Final Result 1st Steve Brown G4RS 2nd Stephen Lander G4+ 3rd John Zottl 4th Ashley Bond G4RS
