TC5 Drivers Enjoy Czech Challenge

TC5 Drivers Enjoy Czech Challenge

Associated team driver Olly Jefferies teamed up with his European team mate Juho Levanen for round 3 of the European Touring Series.

Round three took place in the Czech Republic and the Associated pairing performed well, with the TC5 showing some good pace on carpet. Juho and Olly were well on the pace straight away. Olly?s first qualifying run saw him matching world champ Marc Rheinard for speed, but a broken diff saw him drop off the pace towards the end of the run. Juho got two good clean runs early in qualifying but Olly struggled a little with a car that he felt was edgy. Juho booked his place in the A final early on with a couple of quick consistent runs. With only two rounds out of five counting in qualifying Olly needed only two good scores. He followed up a fourth with a fifth which secured him eighth place on the grid for the modified A final just ahead of fellow UK driver Elliott Harper. Consistency for Juho saw him finish all three finals in third place giving him third on the podium. A good run in the last final saw Olly fourth and salvage a reasonable finish in seventh ahead of fellow brits Elliott and Andy Moore. So top brit and seventh place for Olly but more importantly some running with a new set up on the TC5. In a year when we have touring car Worlds and Euros it's important that Associated are getting the best out of the TC5 with these big meetings coming up. Juho was particularly pleased with the performance of his car with indoor Euros coming up next month for the finish driver. Olly now turns his attention back to 1:12 racing when he contests the next round of the BRCA national series at the Maritime Raceway in three weeks time. More from Olly?s 1:12 blog next week. Pictures courtesy of Red RC.
