Savox Win at Round 2 National

Savox Win at Round 2 National

Savox servos once again proved the can pull their weight in every class of racing, this time it was the turn of 1/8th on-road to feel the power of Savox.

Last weekend the second round of the 1/8 Circuit National championship took place at Halifax. In a challenging A final, it was Tim Wood's Savox Servo powered car that secured the overall victory. The A final began on a drying track with all drivers starting on fully dry tyres. When the rain came down midway through, the feel and reliability of the servos was crucial to stay on the very slippery track. The advantage Tim's car had was clear - managing the full damp race on dry tyres and winning by a convincing 6 lap margin! Setting fastest lap along the way the servos performed faultlessly in the wet conditions. Since Tim has been running Savox successfully, other drivers in this class are now making the switch, with another Savox car also making the A Final ? Let the Savox Revolution Continue!
