Savox Is Number 1

Savox Is Number 1

Darren Bloomfield and Savox servos were crowned BRCA Champions last weekend after another victory in the 1/8th Off-Road Buggy Class.

The final round victory, at the Ware track, saw Darren just beat the RB powered car of Elliot Boots by 8/100ths of second. This means that Darren and Savox have taken 7 out of the 8 rounds in the series. An amazing performance. This fantastic result once again proves the ultimate power and reliability of Savox. Darren moved to Savox at the start of last season which he also won in style. It seems Darren and Savox are a force to be reckoned with. Picture courtesy of NeoBuggy. Congratulations to Darren from all the team at CML.
