Reedy Engine Cleans Up Again

Reedy Engine Cleans Up Again

The 4th round of the CML/Frankley Winter Series saw a 1-2 for the new and as yet unreleased Reedy 21VR engine.

Fortunately the weather was much milder than the sub zero temperatures that have gripped the nation over the past few weeks, except for the breeze it would have been a fairly mild day. In the qualifying sessions it was an Associated/Reedy 1-2 with Lee Martin just taking the TQ position due to his fastest time being 1 second in front of team mate Neil Cragg. Both drivers had a 1st and 2nd in a round. David Crompton lined up third with his new Savox Servos in place. The track at Frankly Model Car Club. Overall, it was a good showing from all the CML team, with Richard Barton and Alex Mortimer also placing their RC8 cars in the main final. All 4 of the officially backed Hyper 9 cars driven by Jon Hazelwood, John Holmes, John Howells and Dave Bailey also made the main final. The B final saw unlucky drivers Richard Cree and Tony Trueman retiring with failures while leading. This allowed Simon Reeves, Dave Bailey and Alex Mortimer to take the 3 positions available to progress to the 'A'. The A final saw the two lead Associated drivers get away with Crompton in hot pursuit. The two leaders started to edge away from David until the first round of pit stops where David's 10 minute strategy brought him back into contention. Both Neil and Lee stopped at 7.30 as this was the first run in anger with their new engines and caution was the order of the day. After post race inspection it turned out that both drivers could have made the 10 minutes if they had gone for it, but this race was a learning excercise above anything else, and a cautious approach was the best option. It's all go in the RB tent. After David made his pit stop the 3 drivers were back close again until David made a few errors that dropped him away from the leading pair. Neil was just in front of Lee until an error for Neil put him about 3 seconds behind his teammate. Neil gave it everything over the last few minutes to try and catch Lee but ultimately a couple of errors in last minute gave Lee a comfortable run to the flag. Neil finishing 2nd with David 3rd. So a 1-2 finish for the new REEDY engine, and with Jon Howells coming 5th after a terrible start with his REEDY powered HYPER 9 it showed that this new name in Nitro is already a contender. Lee was more than happy with the Reedy 21VR's performance.
