Proline Dirt Arena Race Report

Proline Dirt Arena Race Report

This week saw the Proline Dirt Arena (PDA) doors open to the public for the first time. Rob Rasey reports back...

This venture was the brainchild of Lee Martin and Tony Truman with support from Proline USA and CML Distribution with on-site shop MK Racing. After many weeks of hard work the venue was race ready! 2wd qualifying saw stalwart Richard Barton take TQ with his B4 chassis, Novak electronics and Reedy Lipo. 4wd was no different as Steve Oyston showed consistency during the 3 rounds to take the TQ spot. This meeting was also to see the UK debut for the Associated SC10 with 4 trucks in attendance. The truck qualifying saw Lee Martin TQ with Rob Rasey in 2nd and MK Racing Marc Knight closely behind in 3rd. Lee was extremely pleased with the first ever Dirt Arena race. Finals were the usual display of close racing with all drivers looking to grab the win: The 2wd ?B? final saw pole man Keith Newton dominate proceedings with his B4 to win with comfort. The 2wd ?A? final followed which also ended with pole man Richard Barton taking the win but he was pushed all the way by Rob Rasey finishing just a few seconds behind in 2nd. 4wd saw some early runners fall by the way side leaving pole man Steve Oyston and Grant Fribbens fighting for the spoils. It was Steve who showed the control and speed to come out on top. The last final of the night was the SC10 trucks. These had provided much entertainment throughout the evening with some creative driving and race tactics by some of the drivers! (MK). It was no surprise to see Lee Martin take the win in style and finish off a great debut for the truck. The SC10. Looks cool doesn't it. In summary it was a very enjoyable nights racing and with an indoor dirt venue boasting an on-site shop, catering and large pitting area. The future is very bright, the future is PDA!
