Pro-Line Winter Series - Rnd 5

Pro-Line Winter Series - Rnd 5

CML's own Iain McCallum reports back from the fith round of the Pro-Line EP Winter series held at the Storm Valley Raceway.

Well, Christmas done and I'm well stuffed with turkey and chocolate! I set of for round five of the Proline 10th electric challenge at Storm Valley Raceway. I was greeted by a complete track layout change for the new year; much more electric orientated with more technical bits and loads more flow to the lap. Jared and the boys have worked hard over the Christmas period, listening to minor gripes about the venue, and I must say have improved things massively with the odd tweak here and there.


Micro fun round

Two heats of micro racers turned up to enjoy the day and gave everyone a good watch with some very close racing indeed. Garath Oldfield, and his Carisma, led the way in round one with Horizons own Jimmy Davis just five seconds behind him and Lee Cronshaw making up the top three and providing an early dominance for the Micro Carisma as they placed first and third. In round two "old boy" Jimmy took pole from another Carisma driver Darren Moult with Wayne Davis making the top three. That's five different drivers in the top three, in two rounds...quite competitive this micro racing! Round three and Jim won again with Gareth claiming second red spot and Wayne proving consistency pays with another third. As it was Gareth took the honours in the round with yet another new name in the shape of Ant Hill in second with Darren in third. All this meant that pole went to Jimmy Davis with Gareth second and Darren In third.

The final was something of an epic as all got away cleanly and the top three change positions six times with five different drivers, lots of cheering from the watching crowd encouraging the drivers to push on with Jim just nicking it from Wayne by one second and Garath coming in third.



Dominic Nunn lead the way in round one from Mitch Booth with Ash Owen coming in third. All three drivers split by just four seconds. Round two saw Mitch dominate with overall TQ, a clear lap ahead of Ash, with CML's own Liam 'The Bandit' Galvin nicking third for an Associated top three. In round three, Dom found his form again with top spot but not overall TQ, with Ash again second and Mitch coming in third. Round four would be crucial as all three could take pole! As it was, Dom obliterated the fastest time on his way to the win, with Mitch second and Ash third. These three had dominated qualifying and were split by less than five seconds, so the final would be very interesting indeed.

Pole man Dominic got away cleanly and left everyone else in his wake driving a very smooth faultless race up untill two laps from the end. Mitch had chased hard, never being more than a second or two away from Dom, but in truth the young Yokomo driver never looked like loosing the lead. A moments lapse in concentration saw his car on its roof after a jump 30 seconds from the finish and that's all the Team Associated driver needed to nip past and take the win! It was a breath taking final which had everyone on the edge of there seats as the top two worked there way through the back markers. Very well done Mitch, and very unlucky Dom. The leading two took away some of the shine from third place man Nathan Hewitt who qualified sixth overall but did a splendid job holding off Ash Owen for most of the race. He deserved third for a splendid defensive drive for virtually the whole race.

2WD Class


Mitch Booth dominated round one, wining by a clear lap from Kong Makenzie and Nathan Hewitt in third. Round two saw exactly the same result but yours truly managed a fourth place (worth a mention I think). Round three and all drivers improved but no one could match the pace of Mitch. Round four and guess what? Yep same again as Mitch took overall TQ and pole with Kong second and Nathan third.

The final was a lot closer than most people thought it would be. Kong got away best and led for half the race before Mitch managed to get the better of him, Kong kept him honest and was only half a lap down by the close. Nathan stayed in third from start to finish with a steady controlled drive and capped a very successful day for him, personally, with two overall thirds.

4WD Class

Short Course

Arian Prince took honours in round one with the win, Steve Alcock and Darren Moult second and third respectively. Adrian again won in round two but Darren took second with a new name in the shape of Martyn Darlington coming in third. Same winner in round three as Adrian continued his dominance but Martyn moved into second, exchanging places with Darren who was of course in third. Round four and, you've guessed it, Adrian won, with Steve up into second and Martyn third. This of course meant that pole went to Adrian, Steve was second with Darren third. Unfortunately, Steve bust a drive shaft as he crossed the line for the finish in heat four. Lucky In one way, but unlucky in another, as he didn't have the part to replace it so missed his final.

The final itself wasn't all one way as Darren did actually manage to get in front of Adrian at one point! Adrian did well to cope with the cheers of encouragement for Darren, from his motley crew, to win the race, but by only eight seconds. Martyn driving a steady race to come in third. For me that's how it should be. Short course always brings in a crowd and it must be hard to try and concentrate with all that laughter about but surely that's why we turn up, it was good to hear so many people enjoying a race and so much laughter. Well done to all!

Short Course Class

Finally, I would like to wish Mitch Booth all the very best at the Reedy Race in the big U S of A.  After winning both the main finals for Team Associated, when watching the mature way he drives, it's easy to forget he is a young man of only seventeen. The Reedy Race will be a very good learning experience for the developing driver and I hope he does well.


Next meet is the final round with prizes and everything on 2nd March, hope to see you there...

