Operation B4 - Complete!

Operation B4 - Complete!

As previewed on the CML site last week, the BRCA 1/10th 2wd title decider was run at the Broseley club over the weekend.

The weather did its best to disrupt everybody's best laid plans and with intermittent heavy showers both set up and tyre choice were proving difficult. Defending champ Neil Cragg had to make the most of terrible round 1 conditions and could only post the 7th best time of the round. most of the top drivers were similarly effected and there was an unusual look to the round 1 top 10. Round 2 and Neil got it all together and comfortably topped the times, and he repeated this in round 3 to put himself in a very strong TQ position. As round 4 progressed the only man who could potentially remove Neil from the TQ spot did not manage a good run, and when the heavens opened once again it sealed Neils top qualifying position. With the extra rain the already wet track became waterlogged in places and with this the officials decided against running the finals and awarded the results on qualifying. This crowned Neil Cragg as the 2006 BRCA 2wd off road champion once again. The overall championship results showed the total domination of the Associated RC10B4 with the first 5 places being taken by B4 drivers, they were as follows: 1st Neil Cragg - AE/Reedy/Proline 2nd Lee Martin - AE/Reedy/Novak/Proline 3rd Tom Yardy - AE 4th Richard Barton - AE/Reedy/Novak/Proline 5th Paul Bradby - AE/Reedy/Novak/Proline CML wish to congratulate all the team on a great result.
