New - Factory Team TC5R & TC5F

New - Factory Team TC5R & TC5F

Team Associated have upped their game releasing the TC5F for foam tyre touring car performance and the TC5R for rubber tyre touring cars.

Based on Associated?s successful Factory Team TC5, we now bring you the TC5R, an electric touring car chassis that has been optimized for lower traction, rubber tire racing. The components that make up the TC5R have the desired attributes that are sought after for indoor and/or outdoor racing with rubber tires, making the TC5R an even more lethal racing machine. Also based on Associated?s successful Factory Team TC5, we now bring you the TC5F, an electric touring car chassis that has been optimized for high traction, foam tire racing. The TC5F starts with a full ball bearing, dual belt-drive system that transfers all the power from the motor smoothly and efficiently.
