New - Etronix Pulse 2.4ghz Radio System

New - Etronix Pulse 2.4ghz Radio System

RC electric specialists Etronix have launched a new range of 2.4ghz radio systems suitable for all types of radio control.

The Etronix line of products has further expanded with the addition of the Pulse line of RC radio systems. These 2.4ghz systems are available in standard 2-channel or digital multi function 3-channel making them the ideal choice for for car and boat enthusiasts. And with some attractive pricing to boot they are sure to be popular with modellers running on a budget. Traditional narrow-band RC systems have been around since the birth of radio control modelling. Today's FM/PCM radio control systems operate on anywhere from 27MHz to 72MHz, a relatively tiny percentage of the available radio frequency range. Working like any AM or FM radio, the transmitter sends out a signal that is picked up by the receiver and then sent to the servos. However, just like regular FM broadcast radio, these RC systems require a frequency all to themselves if they're going to avoid interference with each other. What's more, it doesn't take much to disrupt a regular narrow-band signal. A noisy thermostat or electric drill can often cause massive amounts of electrical interference when listening to an AM broadcast and FM isn't always that much better. Clearly this isn't the best situation for controlling a potentially expensive and sometimes dangerous radio controlled model but, with careful channel management, narrow band radio systems have served the RC community well for decades. Spread spectrum technology offers some very clever ways to reduce the effects of interference and allow many different radio sets to operate simultaneously without the need for a frequency crystal. In radio terms, the transmitter uses a wide spread of frequencies to send data to the receiver rather than the very narrow band of frequencies used by the older narrow band RC sets we are used to. Thanks to the way these systems spread their signals thinly across the 2.4GHz band and the way some of them continuously move around the band so as not to clash with other 2.4 signals, it takes a very strong signal to have any interfering effect. The Pulse radio system from Etronix utilises this new technology at a highly competitive price. If you're new to RC, or looking to upgrade your existing radio system, 2.4ghz is th only way to go!
