Last Weekends Racing Result

Last Weekends Racing Result

Another busy weekend for the RC racing community. Once again CML products are in winning form.

Following on from the news that Darren Bloomfield, BRCA 1/8 Rally X Champion has signed for another year with Savox, comes another strong result from the BRCA 1/8 Circuit Champion. Tim Wood netted a solid 2nd place finish at Round 4 of the UK Nationals in Halifax just 5 seconds behind Serpent team-mate Kyle Branson. Choosing the Savox SC1258-TG units as preference, the servos put in a faultless performance in Tim's Serpent 966 Evo which sees him currently lead the championship. The next round is at the Adur circuit near Brighton in 2 weeks time just before traveling to the European Championship. Meanwhile, at Round 5 of the BRCA 1/8th National in Talywain, Daren Bloomfield was putting his Savox servos to great use with another victory. Darren was pushed to the limit by a very competitive field which saw Associated legend Craig Drescher claim 2nd place with his Reedy powered RC8B. Also, at the Pendle District Model Car Club, David Crompton TQ'd 5 out of the 6 rounds of qualification ahead of his main rival Ryan Donovan. In the final David also took the win, 20 seconds clear of 2nd place Ryan. Crompton was driving the RB One combined with the RB F11 Engine and was very impressed with the combination of the two products.
