Howells enjoys Horizon LMC

Howells enjoys Horizon LMC

Part of Team AE set out to Warwick last weekend to race at the brand new Leamington Hobby Centre Model venue...

The new 1/8 th grass track had plenty of undulations and off camber corners, with a cross over built by Wayne and Jim Davis. The track was great to drive round and very challenging. So team ae set about setting up their new Associated RC8B3 buggies.

Round 1 was a damp affair so soft compound Fastrax Twisters worked great. Unfortunately some of our personal transponders did not work with Coventry clubs RC4 timing gear! Never mind, Jim Davis came up trumps with some borrowed ones.

Round 2 with the grass drying, we switched to a set of medium compound Fastrax Twisters and TQ pace was set by Jon Howells closely followed by Lloyd Pitt.

Round 3 and time to bolt on Pro-Line Pin Points and the lap time decreased down to 29 seconds. Jon set the new pace followed by Jim then Lloyd.

Round 4, with the dirt/clay surface showing on most corners, the new softer Pin Point tyre was tested. Pete Hedley trying the new compound and improving his overall time.

Then the twist  a two leg a final! Each leg being 15 minutes with celebrity Mike Brewer compering. On pole was Jon Howells, Jim Davis in second, Llotd Pitt third, Matt Staley in fourth and Pete Hedley in fifth place.

From the word go, and opting to run his 5 port tops, Jon shot off closely, followed by Jim. With an early incident tangling Jon & Jim, Lloyd went into the lead. It would take Jon another 4 minutes to catch back up and take first place back, From there he went onto lap the field. So first blood to the pole man Jon Howells.

Leg two and again Jon Howells got away and went on to win the final. Lloyd had a bad start, while Pete got up to 3rd and held it for a good number of laps, but chasing tightly behind second, caught a pipe and had a few bad laps, which put him back with Lloyd and let Jim Davis through. Lloyd had Pete had a fun race with lots of thrill and spills, eventually Lloyd did a beautiful move up the inside to take the fourth place a lap from the end.

The overall result was:

  1. Jon Howells
  2. Gary Brace
  3. Jim Davis

A quick shout out should go to our super pit man for the day Gaow Hedley, for working hard and keeping us all fuelled - a day off racing which was probably more stressful.
