Hereford BWOC

Hereford BWOC

The BRCA British Winter Open Championship (BWOC) for 1/10th buggies was held in Hereford and the CML off-road team had another good showing.

The track was a testing one with a mixed surface of carpet and sports centre ?polished floor? with the obligatory jumps thrown in for good measure. In the 2wd event on Saturday CML driver Tom Yardy put in a fine performance in qualifying to take the coveted pole position with his mid-motored version of the Associated B4.1 currently being used by the team for evaluation. Joining Tom in the A final and showing that the rear-motored cars are still right on the pace were Phil Sleigh, Tony Truman, Keith Robertson and Paul Wragg, all with the latest and more conventional B4.1. The finals were cracking races. Unfortunately changes in the track conditions due to an exploded shock absorber leaving oil on the racing surface meant the finals didn?t quite go to form. The title battle went down to the third and final leg with Tom finishing in a close second place after a last lap battle with Danny McGee, who went on to take the win. A track change for the 4wd event on Sunday saw a more open layout and some really close qualifying. Coming out on top this time was Ellis Stafford but the Associated and Yokomo drivers were in the mix too in the shape of Phil Sleigh, Tony Truman, Tom Yardy and Keith Robertson. Again the result went to the wire with Ellis taking a well-judged win from the B44.1 drivers Tony Truman (who won the second leg) and Phil Sleigh. Not bad as it was a debut for Phil with his car and Tony had only driven his once before. The happy chappies of the Associated Team. With the win the week before by Paul Bradby at the Petit race and the strong showing at the BWOC in both 2wd and 4wd the Associated cars are looking good for the upcoming season.
