Grainger claims overall at BRCA Touring

Grainger claims overall at BRCA Touring

Defending BRCA Touring Car champion Chris Grainger got off to a flying start to his season taking the overall win at round one of the 2007 series

Aiming to make it three back to back titles in a row Chris and his Yokomo BD looked good in Saturdays practice runs, his brushless powered BD pounded round the Stafford circuit clocking consistently quick lap times. In qualifying Chris was just nudged out of top spot by Andy Moore who took FTD. In the first A final Chris had an early scare coming together with Craig Drescher as the buzzer sounded and car shot off from the grid. Chris recovered to score a strong third place in leg one. The second final saw another stuttering start from Chris but he was soon fighting his way back up the leader board, while Craig Drescher took the lead up front Chris picked off one car at a time, his last scalp was old team mate Olly Jefferies in the dying laps. The overall result showed Chris as the winner from Ben Cosgrove and Olly. The championship now moves to Aldershot, one of Chris? favorite tracks and one where he hopes he can increase his championship lead.
