CML Winter Series - Rnd 3

CML Winter Series - Rnd 3

The third round of the CML Winter series at Frankley was run over the weekend in cold conditions, but thankfully without rain.

In the qualifying sessions it was Darren Bloomfield who took 3 of the 4 rounds to seal the TQ spot, with Neil Cragg's RB/BYRON powered Associated RC8 in second. Neil also took the final round of qualifying and these two drivers were a lot faster than anybody else on the track. Both were able to lap at around 43.00 and Darren even dipped into the 42's. The best anybody else could achieve was just into 43's. Lining up third with his Byron Gen2 fuelled car was Simon Willets, with Graham Alsop (RB) 4th and Dave Bailey his Hyper 9/RB/Byron car in 5th. The track at Frankley Model Car Club. After some fraught qualifying sessions Craig Drescher was languishing down in the B final and would have to work his way up in to the main final. Craig did manage that bump although teammate Alex Mortimer was very unlucky as he blew a plug on the line and was out contention from pole right from the off. As the main final got underway, the light was starting to fade and Neil was in radio trouble as his car was put to the line. It seemed to be the common problem of the day with the 2.4GHZ system seemingly coming un-paired. Graham Alsop had a bizarre incident in qualifying round 2 where his radio paired with another car on track and put him out of that round. Neil befell a similar fate in the final as his car was fine until his dad went to put it down and it went crazy and Neil was unable to take the start. Craig's Associated RC8 & Dave's new HoBao Hyper 9 As it was Darren Bloomfield led away and with Neil out of the reckoning had no challenge, however after his pit stop he noticed a spark jump out of the back of his car and as he limped back to the pits it became apparent that a driveshaft had broken and he was out also. This left Graham Alsop who stayed out of trouble to take the win with his RB/Hobao engine/pipe combination. Simon Willetts took second with Craig Drescher taking third after a terrible start and a good comeback drive. Dave Bailey took fourth with the Hyper 9 and would have potentially been right with Graham at the front but for an unlucky incident with a marshal which cost him a huge amount of time.
