CML Winter Series - Rnd 1

CML Winter Series - Rnd 1

With Frankley not running the CML Winter Champs due to major track alterations over the winter months the popular series was moved to fellow Midlands club Stoke-Nitro.

Still a controlled tyre event with Hobao Angle Spikes and Proline Crime Fighters been the only tyre?s that can be used and the Hobao Angle Spikes being the racer?s choice. Rd 1 and a early start with the order of the day 1Rd practice, 3 Rd?s of qualifying and 18 minute finals for all except the A main which was to be 22 minutes long, a good drivers list and some very popular names entered was always going to be a interesting meeting. Rd 1 of qualifying and Graham Alsop taking the first run and only 2.72 seconds from a 9 lapper with Team Associated driver Craig Drescher 2nd 4 seconds behind and 3rd AE driver Neil Cragg. Rd 2, Neil Cragg taking the honours and the first driver ever to hit 9 laps around Stoke-Nitro with the RC8.2, 2nd Graham Alsop 1 second behind and 3rd Team Hobao Captain Jon Howells. Rd 3 and no change in the top 2 drivers but with Craig Dresher coming back in to the top 3 putting Jon Howells back to 4th with Dave Bailey in 5th. The final was a close run affair between Craggy and Sloppy and it was the former who came out on top with Craig Drescher in third. Thanks go to all the Stoke lads who help set the track up in the morning and at the end of the event to pack the stuff away and also to Glyn Morgan who ran the timing for the day. Rd 2 is on Sunday 13th November. Booking in is now open at and a current drivers list can be found at here. Booking in on the day is allowed but to avoid disappointment please use the online entry form.
