CML Sign a Flying Pro

CML Sign a Flying Pro

CML Distribution are pleased to announce the addition to their staff and flight program of Steve Mallinder. A 4 times British Champion in aerobatics, Steve has competed and flown alongside the World's best.

Steve is a passionate and dedicated flyer, a true flying nut, and when away from the competition scene can be found helping budding flyers hone their aerobatic skills, or helping to run the successful Fradley Scale Flying Club He will be joining CML to not only showcase products such as Savox servos and Bionic batteries at the highest level, but also help develop our existing base aircraft lines and accessories from Top Gun, Etronix, FMS Famous Model, Alfa Model, Ultrafly to name but a few. In addition Steve will be working with our current sales team and flight pilots to help improve communication and product knowledge of our brands through the hobby industry and flight show circuit. Steve shows off his trophies from last years Nationals.
