CML Carpet Masters 2006/07

CML Carpet Masters 2006/07

On the 4th March 2007, the last round of this years Carpet Masters came to a head. After 5 hard fought rounds the eventual winner was CML Sponsored driver Andrew Robson driving a Yokomo BD Chris Grainger edition.

The championship started back in November 2006 with all manner of competitors signing up to join in the fun. The CML Carpet Masters is restricted to 92 entrants across all classes. Tournament leader Andrew Robson had secured his title by the end of the 4th round. This made it a double celebration for Andrew whose wife Sam has just given birth to their second child, a new son named Bradley. In 2nd place was Colin Price. Colin managed to get in the A Final at all events only to suffer problems during the Finals. In the end he managed to keep in 2nd place for the Schumacher team. Third place went to Yokomo Driver Ian Whittingham driving a Yok BD CG edition. Ian missed the first round, which did not help with his count back scores, but managed to come 2nd in the last series. In fourth place was young Adam Meakin, running a Schumacher, who has had some good results in this years championship. The 27t class was won by Chris Clark running a Corrally. Chris has been one of the most consistent people in the 27t class and deserved his well fought victory. In second place went to John Robson, using a Yokomo, who managed to get max points at the last round without his chief mechanic. Third place went to Nick Turner, running a Cowarda. Nick had been running 2nd in the Championship up to Rd 5, but due to qualifying 2nd in the final round, dropped to 3rd. Fourth place went to Mark Poulton. Next year we are doing it all over again starting on the 4th November and every 1st Sunday in the month up to March 2008. Classes for the next series will be 27t & 19t plus the introduction of the 5 cell Mod/Brushless class. Controlled tyre will be the RP24 Pre-Glued.
