Clanfield Winter Championship - Rnd 8

Clanfield Winter Championship - Rnd 8

RC8's take the win in both buggy and truggy classes at last weekends racing at Clanfield.

The buggy ?A? final turned out to be fast and furious! It was pole man Jon Wolfe who set the early pace with track owner Tony Bolwell and Rob Rasey fighting for 2nd. Laps 11 & 12 from the 20 minute race proved to be a turning point as both 1st and 2nd place experienced engine problems which left the consistent Rasey to take the lead and then dominate proceedings until the finish line. The drivers were blessed with sunshine and pleasant temperatures throughout the day and praise must go to Tony Bolwell for all his hard work to prepare what was a very smooth and consistant track. Pictures courtesy of Ross Whitelock.
