Chris Grainger Retains Title for CML / Yokomo

Chris Grainger Retains Title for CML / Yokomo

After seven tough rounds of the BRCA National touring car championship Yokomo?s Chris Grainger has successfully defended the title he won last season, second place at the last national at West London was enough to take the title by a convincing margin.

It was a good season for the Yokomo BD with three team drivers making the top ten, Lee Woodhams brought his BD home in sixth place and Olly Jefferies made it two BD?s in the top three finishing third with his Yokomo, narrowly missing out on a top ten place was Andy Robson who finished 11th. The last round of the series was at the West London track at Hillingdon, local expert Adam Rogers took the overall win from Chris Grainger, qualifying saw a good battle between these top two drivers but Chris looked comfortable knowing a good finish would secure the series. Olly Jefferies qualified well in fourth, but Olly was to suffer two no finishes in the finals. This years touring car championship was one of the most open for many years with a different winner at every round, Yokomo scored two wins with Chris at Stafford and Olly at the Cotswold track, next year touring car may have a different look and feel with some radical rule changes proposed, four cell modified being on of the proposals on the table for consideration, what ever the final outcome expect the Yokomo BD to be right up there on the pace.
