BRCA Young Guns Junior Championships

BRCA Young Guns Junior Championships

CML driver Aaron Rose wins the under 17 BRCA Young Guns Junior Championship - 19 turn.

The BRCA Junior Championships were held at the Bedworth track on the 14th and 15th July. The event catered for three different age groups, of which Aaron Rose was booked in for the 19 turn - U17 class, using his Checkpoint powered Yokomo Grainger BD. We arrived for practise at around midday on Saturday where the weather was dry but windy. A lot of time was spent setting the car up for these conditions and finding a suitable gearing for the long straight and twisty in-field. However much of this was to no avail as the drivers woke upon race day to find heavy rain and a soaking wet track. Most drivers were forced to perform frantic changes before practise, to prevent any water damage to their electrics. A great deal of thanks must go to Mark Burgess who assisted us in protecting the Novak GTX speed controller and Checkpoint motor. The majority of drivers were naturally forced to run with Pit Shimizu wet tyres to provide the necessary traction. Qualifying proved to be tricky due to the slippery conditions, with Aaron sitting well down the order after the first two rounds of qualifying after some minor glitching problems. Prior to the third round of qualifying, Aaron removed the roll bars and solved the electrical problems he had in the earlier rounds and put in a smooth run to place the car 4th on the A-final grid, behind Alistair Graham, Daniel Fallows, and Shaun Ogden. Tyre choice was a bit of a problem for the first leg of the finals, as the track had begun to dry out, although the clouds above looked threatening. In the end, the majority of drivers chose to stick with ?wet? tyres, which appeared to be a mistake as the drying track gave up little grip. After a mistake on the first corner, which put Aaron to the back of the pack, he made his way up the order to second, behind Alistair Graham..... until literally the last corner where a motor wire became unsoldered, this meant he was unable to complete his last lap, which meant a third placed finish. Come the second leg, the track was virtually dry, meaning everyone opted to use RP30?s. After the buzzer sounded for the start of the race, Aaron instantly moved into third place at the first corner. During the opening laps Aaron?s Yokomo BD looked very fast and stable on the dry track. A mistake from Alistair propelled Aaron into second position just behind Daniel Fallows. A couple of laps later, Daniel made a mistake, in the process collecting Aaron and moving him back to third. This tweaked Aaron?s car and he had to continue in the best manner possible which he did by setting some of the fastest times of the day. It paid dividends as he kept with the leading pair of drivers who both unfortunately expired due to mechanical failure. This left Aaron to take a thoroughly deserved overall win. Aaron would like to thank CML and Titanium Racing for their continued support.
