BRCA 1/8 National Round 2

BRCA 1/8 National Round 2

Frankley played host to round 2 of the BRCA 1/8th Off Road National series and the weather once again threw a spanner in the works.

Qualifying round 1 saw Darren Bloomfield take the round win with the only 8 lap run of the round. Elliott Boots was very fast but some traffic issues saw him restricted to 6th in round with his RB/Byron powered Associated RC8. Elliott was using the JC Sabretooth tyres and found them to be very fast indeed. Round 2 and Neil Cragg after seeing Elliott's car decided to run the Sabretooth tyres and immediatley he noticed the difference. Neil despite a couple of errors set a time just shy of the 8 lap mark with his RB/Byron Associated RC8, crucially however about half way through Neils run it had started to drizzle and by the end of his heat the track had become slick which prevented anybody in following heats to challenge his time. Round 3 and Neil Cragg blitzed all that had gone before, on the now dry again track to post and 8 lap run some 5 seconds faster than Darren had managed earlier in the day. Nobody managed to get near this time despite Elliott Boots posting some amazing lap times on his way to 4th in round. The main final was unfortunatly reduced to a farce due to heavy shower just before the start which left standing water all over the track and only 4 cars running at the finish due to the amount of attrition attributed to the weather. Despite this a good race for the win developed between first meeting winner Graham Alsop with Hyper 8.5 and Simon Willetts. In the end after a great last couple of laps it was Simon who managed to take the his first national win. Both Simon and Graham were running Byron GEN2 fuel to power their cars.
