BRCA 1/10th 200mm Nationals

BRCA 1/10th 200mm Nationals

Stephen Lander won the first round and set a new record powered by his RB Engine and the new Byron Race Gen2 Fuel.

At the first round of the BRCA 1/10th 200mm Nitro Rubber Nationals held at the fast and technical Cotswold circuit, CML and RB team driver Stephen Lander ,set the pace by taking FTD and the A final win ,smashing the track record for rubber tyred nitro tourers in the process!! Cotswold Model Car Club at Kemble Airfield, near Cirencester, Gloucestershire. Previously the record stood at 17 laps in 5mins 15.75secs which has stood for the last 3 years, Stephen using the latest generation of the RB V12 engine line, the R3 and the new Byron Gen 2 Race fuel set a new track record of 17 laps in 5mins 6.3 secs taking nearly 10 secs off the old record!!!! He also broke the lap record by nearly half a second from 18.008 to a blistering 17.621! The excellent power and superior fuel mileage from the engine and fuel combination allowed Steve to win the A-final in style, also being the only driver to achieve the 7 1/2 min fuel stop strategy and leading from start to finish. Steve found that Byron Race Gen2 Fuel made a huge improvement to his racing. Steve had this to say. " It's been a long time since I raced a Nitro tourer on rubber tyres and even though you have to change your driving style from foam it's very satisfying to experience how good the car can be on rubber." I found that the Pit Shimizu D27R tyre on the Proline Inch-up dish wheel was very stable and quick for qualifying and long lasting, with very consistent lap times throughout the A Final, The new R3 engine had a snappy throttle response with good top end speed, I found the combination with the new Byron Gen 2 fuel was very efficient, at qualifying pace I worked out I could have gone for over 8 mins on one tank of fuel!
