Associated & Novak take TORC Round 1

Associated & Novak take TORC Round 1

The ever popular TORC Touring Car series started its 2011 season at Bedworth last weekend.

Luke Burr driving a TC6 powered by Novak Ballistic 13.5 motor and Bionic lipo qualified 3rd on the grid in the A final 13.5 class, going on to win the first final and finish 2nd in the 2nd final to give him the win overall and the opening lead in the 13.5 championship. Kirk beasley also driving a TC6 took 2nd overall to give the TC6 a first and second in a very closely fought class. Meanwhile Luke's brother Dale driving another Novak powered TC6 made the 10.5 A final qualifying in 9th at his first major meeting for nearly 6 years. As always a competitive A final was split by less than 10 seconds with all drivers on 20 laps in a very hard fought qualifying battle, with the likes of Andrew Robson, liam Brooks, Ian Whitingham, David hall and David Ward. Good drives in both finals gave him a respectable 8th overall with a good start to his TORC campaign, Dale is hoping to be higher up as the year progresses and he gets back into the swing of big meetings. Both Luke and Dale are suported by FTD Models and CML.
