Adam Meakin wins Carpet Masters Rnd 4

Adam Meakin wins Carpet Masters Rnd 4

Adam Meakin took TQ and a very convincing overall win at the 4th round of the CML Carpet Masters held at Stafford indoor circuit.

Following a very fast qualifying session Adam secured the pole position for the finals ahead of Ian Whittingham. On the first final Adam extended his pole position into a very impressive lead unfortunately at 3,5 minutes Adam clipped a corner and got stuck letting Ian to not only catch him but to overtake him. A very fast recovery from Adam closed the gap and at the 5 minute mark there was 1000s of a second between the two racers with Ian taking the first final. The second final started pretty much the same but this time there was no corner clipping and Adam romped home with a very impressive display of driving skills so much that there was only a couple of cars on the track he had not lapped. A Final 1 - Adam Meakin 5:05.61 2 - Ian Whittingham 5:06.87 3 - Ryan Edwards 5:09.35 4 - David Ward Bl 5:01.64 5 - Jonathan Dale 5:08.27
