1/8th Off Road Nationals - Rnd 4

1/8th Off Road Nationals - Rnd 4

Beautiful weather at last greeted the racers at Clanfield, after 3 rain affected meetings, and the racing didn't disappoint.

Qualifying was quite a strange affair with none of the top drivers able to get fully clean runs, Darren Bloomfield managed to come out on top after a close battle with Graham Alsop during the qualifying runs, with Elliott Boots lining up 3rd. The main final saw a big battle between Jon Hazelwood and Elliott Boots in the early stages with these two swapping positions yet pulling away from the field. After the first stops Elliott made a few mistakes and started to drop away from Jon who was driving a good consistent race on this challenging track. The sun was shining over Clanfield's great track. The main battle in the closing stages was between Elliott and Graham Alsop who has got himself back into contention after a poor start. Graham has used a long fuel strategy to help him get back into the frame and with 5 minutes to go was in front of Elliott by a few seconds. Elliott tried to clase the gap but an mistake allowed Graham to cruise to 2nd. Jon went on to win with his Byron fuelled, Proline tyred car. Byron Fuel and Proline Tyres filled 5 of the top 6 cars in the main final.
